End of the Age, End of the World!


Question: What are the potential consequences if the predictions about the end of the world are accurate?


1): As I understand the Bible (and I have to declare that is my only guide); there are events which have yet to happen which affect the world’s population, and what are called “end Age events”, or “last days events”.  There is to be a drastic reduction in the population, and events in the Middle East which will auger “the second coming of Jesus Christ” in Great Power, (see Matt. 24–25), (called the 2nd Advent)!

2): Christ Jesus will “Rule the World with a rod of Iron”, (i.e. strictly), for 1000 years, during which time Satan will be imprisoned!  This is called “the Millennial Reign”; after which Satan will be released for a short time, and will again create havoc on Earth with his followers!

3): Satan will again try to annihilate Israel, and will be drawn to the location of the "Camp of the saints, and the Beloved City" with the Nations and people who follow him; who will be confronted by “Almighty God”, who with his followers will be consigned to destruction by fire from Heaven! (Rev.  20:7–10).

4): Regarding “the end of the world”, much commented on in the world’s media, and also in “Churches” teachings; the only reference to such in in Rev. 21:1, where the statement is made: “I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away”.

This is after the event of God’s “Great White Throne Judgement”, and is described in Rev. 20:11-15.

Note: The signpost of God regarding timing of the above (assuming they are accurate), IMO are clearly linked to the nation Israel!  At the present time, with all the events which the world is watching since 7/10/23, there seems to be an acceleration towards the end of 1) above, which should become clearer towards the end of this year, or at the latest in the next two years.

Christians have been watching and waiting for these signs since the end of the 2nd World War!

See:  Israel's Crisis with Hamas  (Study)

Chapters 1 to 22  (Study) 


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